
Ben je op zoek naar een leuke shirt om te skaten of te chillen? In ons ruim assortiment T-shirts en longsleeves, vind je vast wat je nodig hebt. Kies uit je favoriete merken zoals Iriedaily, Stoked, Vans en Volcom. Kwaliteit én stijl gegarandeerd en dat aan een extra chille prijs. Waar wacht je nog op? More info

642 producten

Share the vibe !

As soon as skaters and boarders started making their own material, clothing has become part of the world of boarding. Printing T-shirts is easy and cheap. It's a good way to make a profit and invest it in the much more expensive and specialized production of decks, axes, videos, ... By wearing clothes of your favorite boarding brands, you show your support for what these riders do and share their boarding vibe.

Good stuff

A t-shirt from your favorite brand is more than just support. You also get something in return. Because sponsored riders wear these clothes when boarding, manufacturers use only comfy, breathable and sturdy fabrics and printing techniques that can stand up to the toughest conditions. The length of the sleeves, the cut of the seams or the neckline - both the construction and the details are dedicated to the boarding lifestyle. You don't just share the skate, snow and longboarding vibe, you do it in gear that still looks fresh after yet another hardcore session.

Stoked style

That's why at Stoked Boardshop, we always have a lot of t-shirts from brands we stand behind, like Nike SB, Thrasher t-shirts, Adidas Skateboarding, Volcom, Vans, Lovenskate, Polar, Huf. As a core board shop, we also have our own signature tee's by Stoked Brand, with prints we made ourselves. The bomb!