Koen Goris Mobile tour Austria Week 2: powered by Stoked Boardshop - Ride Snowboards - Snowbite - O'Neill

After a blitzvisit with the homies in mayrhofen I stayed just outside Mayrhofen for two nights to board in hintertux. A nice party with the boys of the Yesitdoes crew in Inssbruck. The day after, beautiful blue bird in Stubai so we hit the park. Nice session's and big jumps.
Once back at the mobile home it's -5° inside and everything is frozen, outside it's -15° and it's freezing. The saisonnier life is the most free but you have to pay your dues.
And then it was time for my first competition of the season and immediately a banger.
The park has a long jib line and 2 massive jumps. Everything is in the shade, icy and cold.
After two warm-up runs the competition starts. Nice jibbing and on the kickers a fronside 7 melon, Cork Backside 5 and a Backside 3 mute grab result in a 7th place. In the end I'm pretty stoked about the result because the warm up didn't go so well.
Now it's time to go to Kaltenbach, time to hit the pow.
Wish me luck boys 'n girls and more importantly:
Keep Riding, Stay Stoked !
Koen Goris
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